Taking More Roots In Europe As We Expand to France

Port Cities is now in France

It is only a year since we announced our expansion into the European region, with the UK office, now an Odoo Silver Partner, being our first branch. Today, we are pleased to announce that we have established a physical presence in France, and we are ready to help businesses implement IT solutions in the country.

When we started business in 1997 in Asia, our simple goal was to use technology to help businesses perform at their best and the goal remained the same to this day. While we have a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region, you will also find Port Cities in the Americas and Europe today. Specifically, we have offices in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Colombia, the United Kingdom, and France.

We have also been awarded the Best Odoo Partner in the Asia Pacific region for three consecutive years in 2019, 2020, and 2021. All of these achievements point to our commitment to helping our clients, regardless of their business sizes, to go beyond meeting their business goals - whatever they are, through IT system implementations.

Why France?

Port Cities Is Now In France

When asked why Port Cities is opening an office in France, Nicolas Grill, the director of Port Cities France, couldn’t have said it better. He said, “SMEs in Europe are either getting started with ERP implementations or need upgrades. They want to improve their digital technologies to structure the business processes, improve their performance, and expand. In some cases, they are left with no choice but to implement ERP systems when they want to work with bigger companies...”


...While the market is a very mature one, the ERP leaders are excessively expensive. Fortunately, Odoo is a very good option for them as it is cheaper and more flexible than the regular ERP system on the market. And leveraging the involvement and global network of the whole group, Port Cities can provide diverse expertise and experience in implementing Odoo solutions for businesses around the world, we are perfectly positioned to fulfill this need. - Nicolas Grill, Director of Port Cities France

Port Cities Is Now In France

As Nicolas rightly mentioned, the Odoo market is booming in Europe, and it might interest you to know that the market in France alone is about 40M euros with a two-digit growth percentage every year. When you also discover that Odoo was born in Belgium, you will begin to see our reason to join this market as the system’s popularity continues to increase in Europe. Our award-winning team is well suited to help businesses digitize their operations and book more clients.

What can SMEs expect from Port Cities France?

Port Cities Is Now In France

With years of experience as a project manager, consultant, and entrepreneur, Nicolas Grill is poised to lead his team of experts in helping organizations in France and Europe implement IT systems the right way.

While collaborating with other branches of Port Cities, the French office will be helping SMEs structure their businesses, aid exponential growth, and improve working performance by delivering IT solutions.

When you reach out to us, you can expect a friendly team and a solution that is well suited to your business needs, regardless of your size. You will also get a more affordable and flexible ERP system with a huge community of developers.

Businesses can expect Port Cities to help with implementing tools to aid with accounting, marketing, logistics, sales processes and so much more. As Nicolas mentioned, “the implementation will take between two to six months with a down-to-earth approach”.

It is also worthy to note that many directors and project managers in Port Cities teams are native French speakers. So, when businesses need Odoo to be implemented in French or need the French expertise, naturally Port Cities is well suited to help. With a mix of agile and waterfall project methodology, we remain flexible and adapt to the client’s needs.

It’s a new dawn at Port Cities, and we are excited to take our gospel to the second location in the European region after only a year. Do you want to collaborate with Nicolas and his team or have questions about Odoo and system implementations for your business? You can get in touch with us today.

Port Cities Wins Best Partner APAC Award Again At Odoo Experience 2021
Port Cities unveiled as a three-time winner of Best Odoo Partner APAC at Odoo Experience 2021.