Small improvements that changed the overall performance of ExoClick

Discover how Port Cities aided the progress of ExoClick’s progress, a Spanish large-scale advertising platform that monetizes on a large scale.
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Name of the Company: ExoClick
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Industry: Online Advertising Service
Company Size: Small-to-Medium
Time of Implementation: 6 months 

Digital transformation has gradually become one of the most frequently discussed topics among entrepreneurs. Still, adapting to technology has been a difficult challenge for many businesses, while for others it has been the foundation of their success and operation. 

Advertising is an industry that has almost completely embraced the digital world. And, because of the significant benefits that this represents, Benjamin Fonzé, founder and CEO of ExoClick, saw an opportunity to meet market needs through a completely novel business model.

ExoClick: the Spanish company that uses technology and monetizes on a large scale

ExoClick has its own software and API, which allows it to provide clients with optimization and retargeting options, create its own add-ons, connect with other platforms, access statistics, and update data in real time.

Ad Exchange and Ad Network are the channels through which publishers can monetize their traffic in order to generate billions of ads per day on a global web/mobile network of publishing platforms.

ExoClick x Port Cities

Photo Credit: ExoClick (2022) A multicultural work environment within the ad tech industry

An alliance that managed to improve and solve the performance of an entire company

ExoClick already used Odoo, but they wanted to have the system and applications improved response times. As a result, the company was looking for an ally with experience in optimization projects for its requirements and contacted Port Cities via Odoo.

Federico Fazzi, CFO of Exogroup, together with the Systems Administration department, expressed to Port Cities their desire to solve and generate changes in their system, in order to obtain better performance; the correction of bugs and errors; as well as ensuring reactivity and quality in support interactions. With this in mind, our team got underway.

The challenges

Challenges are an essential part of growing and learning in any endeavor, and this project was no exception. The determination of how to review configurations without direct access to its database did require the effort and coordination of the customer, technical, and supplier teams because ExoClick takes the information confidentiality of both the internal company and its customers very seriously.

We overcame this challenge and achieved good results thanks to a good synergy with ExoClick and the cooperation of both parties. In some critical processes, such as mass import of customer and supplier invoices, loading of bank statements, or extraction of accounting reports, we reduced execution time by up to 50%.

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Port Cities and the solution that led to success

The success of a project is determined not only by the provider of the solution but also by the client's role in reaching the top and achieving the goals set. Both parties must work together, as ExoClick and Port Cities did. 

Port Cities got to work and analyzed the ExoClick system's initial infrastructure as the project's first step. This was the key to achieving true configuration optimizations and significant process improvements.

Port Cities then planned and allocated the resources and time required to complete each task with the goal of proposing a solution and recommendations for ExoClick to apply independently. But what were they made of? 

The tasks completed were devoted to reviewing configurations and allocating resources for both Odoo and PostgreSQL.

Subsequently, ExoClick operations were monitored and resource consumption was analysed. Our system architect expert then analysed the data collected during the monitoring to make recommendations to ExoClick.

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 Despite having a short project, we managed to have a good synergy with the ExoClick team and achieve good results. We obtained improvements in the operation times for your ERP in accordance with the objectives and scope of the project. Some processes where we managed to optimize execution times were: Mass import of customer and supplier invoices, loading of bank statements, and extraction of accounting reports.

It is always satisfying to see the benefits that the client has at the end of the project  

Luis Torres, Project Manager at Port Cities.

Failures that hurt a company's processes are common. However, these can serve as the foundation for the overall success of a business.

The company often does not have the resources to address these issues, but that does not preclude it from being possible. We have the experience and resources at Port Cities to provide the most effective solutions and responses for each case.

If your company is in the same position and you don't know where to start, contact us here so that we can support you and build a path to success.

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