Odoo, Windows Server, and Containerisation

Choosing the Right Path for Success Amidst Windows Server and Containerisation Challenges

Deploying an ERP system like Odoo is a critical decision for businesses aiming to streamline their operations and enhance productivity. However, choosing the right deployment environment for Odoo is equally vital to ensure optimal performance and seamless functionality. 

The significance of this choice has been reiterated by numerous clients and potential leads who have sought guidance on this topic in the past. 

In this article, we will delve into two key aspects related to Odoo deployment: the expanded notes on Odoo deployment in a Windows Server environment (which is not recommended) and the potential issues that may arise when Odoo is deployed in a containerised environment. 

By exploring these topics, we aim to provide valuable insights and practical considerations that will assist businesses in making informed decisions when deploying Odoo.

We will also examine the advantages of Odoo Deployment in an Ubuntu Linux environment.

Afterward, delve into the intricacies of these deployment environments and understand their implications on the overall effectiveness of Odoo implementation.

Advantages of Odoo Deployment in Ubuntu Linux

The following describes the advantages of deploying Odoo in an Ubuntu Linux Environment:

  • Odoo is backed by a worldwide community based on Linux (Ubuntu) instead of Windows Server. This being defined, any advantages and popular documentation usually are stated in the context of Linux (Ubuntu).

  • Ubuntu Linux is the primary target platform for Ubuntu. The development team of Odoo works primarily with Ubuntu for bug fixes and platform releases. It can be expected that, for the most part, Odoo development will be optimised around Ubuntu, not Windows or Mac.

  • Ubuntu has strong community support for Odoo: The fact is that a vast majority of the production installations of Odoo are running under Ubuntu. 

  • When you run into trouble or management issues with your Odoo installation, you may find it easier to get assistance if you are running an Ubuntu installation.

  • For Production usage, it is recommended that the Server with multiprocessing capability be utilised. It is worth noting that only Linux-/Unix-based machines support multiprocessing capability. This is because Odoo workers rely on the Linux forking process (fork-exec model) for multiprocessing capabilities.  Windows Server does not support the fork-exec model.  Only Linux/Unix-based machines support the fork-exec model.

  • Also, the workers help Odoo utilise all the machine's CPU cores.  Therefore, to achieve full functionality of Odoo multiprocessing capability, it is recommended to apply Workers in Production.  And Odoo workers utilise the fork-exec computing model.

Odoo Deployment in a Windows Server Environment

When deploying Odoo, the Windows Server environment is a convenient choice due to its familiarity and widespread usage. 

However, it is important to note that this environment is not recommended for Odoo deployment, especially when aiming for optimal performance and seamless operation.

One of the primary reasons for discouraging the use of the Windows Server environment is its compatibility with Odoo. 

Odoo is primarily built and optimised for Linux-based systems. While running Odoo on the Windows Server is possible, it often leads to compatibility issues and may require additional configurations and workarounds. 

This incompatibility can result in a subpar user experience and limited access to certain Odoo features and functionalities.

Deploying Odoo on Windows Server also presents several challenges and limitations. First, Windows Server is known for its higher resource requirements compared to Linux-based systems. 

This means that to achieve the same level of performance, businesses may need to invest in more powerful hardware or allocate more resources, leading to increased costs.

Also, Windows Server lacks the robustness and stability of Linux-based operating systems. Odoo thrives in a stable and secure environment, and deploying it on Windows Server may compromise these crucial aspects. 

Windows Server is more prone to system crashes, frequent updates, and potential security vulnerabilities, which can impact the overall reliability of the Odoo deployment.

In addition, performance concerns and potential bottlenecks are prevalent in a Windows Server setup. The architecture and underlying components of Windows Server are not optimised for running applications like Odoo. 

This leads to slower response times, increased latency, and reduced scalability. The performance limitations may hinder the ability of Odoo to handle high user loads, resulting in diminished productivity and overall business efficiency.

Despite the familiarity and widespread usage of Windows Server, it is not the ideal environment for deploying Odoo. 

Businesses are advised to explore alternative deployment environments that are better suited for Odoo's requirements and can provide the desired level of performance and reliability.

Odoo • Image and Text

Looking to deploy Odoo most effectively?

Containerised Environment for Odoo Deployment

While deploying Odoo on a Windows Server environment is not recommended, we can examine the option of deploying Odoo in a containerised environment. 

Containerisation, with Docker, offers benefits such as code portability and ease of deployment. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential issues and vulnerabilities associated with Odoo deployment using containers.

The disadvantages of implementing Odoo using Containers are as follows:

Slower Autoscaling: Kubernetes autoscaling capability lags behind GCP-CE Managed Instances Groups (MIGs) Autoscaling and AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group when it comes to creating and starting new nodes. This can result in slower responsiveness and scalability for your Odoo deployment.

Higher Costs: Kubernetes Services in the Cloud are more expensive than GCP-CE MIGs or AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group. This cost disparity should be considered when evaluating the financial implications of your Odoo deployment.

Behavioural Challenges: There have been instances where the Odoo Engine exhibited improper behaviour when the Kubernetes engine terminated a failing pod to replace it with a healthier one. These cases can lead to disruptions and inconsistencies in the functionality of your Odoo application.

It is advisable to use EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling instead of Kubernetes when implementing Odoo. 

The advantages of this approach include:

No Additional Technology Stacks and Services

Using EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling eliminates the need for additional technology stacks and services, resulting in cost savings. Businesses can consume only the EC2 resources they require.

Reduced Vulnerability Risk

VM instances used in EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling do not introduce additional vulnerability risks beyond the instances themselves.

Stateless VM Instances

VM instances can be launched from a single image template, similar to containers, providing the benefits of code portability and ease of deployment.

Optimal Instance Scaling Flexibility

EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling offers more optimal instance scaling flexibility. It provides options for pre-warming and standby capabilities based on demand, health checks, or schedule-based requirements.

By utilising EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling, businesses can mitigate the vulnerabilities associated with containerised deployment while ensuring efficient scaling, cost-effectiveness, and reliable infrastructure for Odoo implementation.

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Differences between EC2 Instances Autoscaling and MIGs Autoscaling

Both EC2 Instances Autoscaling and MIGs (Managed Instance Groups) Autoscaling provide similar benefits for Odoo deployment, but some differences exist.

EC2 Instances Autoscaling

EC2 Instances Autoscaling is specific to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and primarily focuses on scaling Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances.

It allows you to automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances based on predefined scaling policies and rules.

EC2 Instances Autoscaling provides flexibility in scaling your Odoo deployment up or down based on metrics like CPU utilisation, network traffic, or custom application-specific metrics.

You have control over the underlying EC2 instances and can fine-tune their configurations to meet the requirements of your Odoo application.

EC2 Instances Autoscaling offers a wide range of options for customisation and integration with other AWS services.

MIGs Autoscaling

MIGs Autoscaling is a similar concept but specific to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and focuses on scaling Managed Instance Groups.

Managed Instance Groups are a GCP feature that allows you to group instances together for easier management and scalability.

MIGs Autoscaling provides automatic scaling capabilities for your Odoo deployment by dynamically adjusting the number of instances in the group based on predefined rules.

You can define scaling policies for MIGs based on metrics like CPU utilisation, HTTP load balancing utilisation, or other custom metrics.

MIGs Autoscaling provides simplified management and automation for scaling your Odoo deployment on the Google Cloud Platform.

While the core concept of autoscaling remains the same for both EC2 Instances Autoscaling and MIGs Autoscaling, the specific implementation and management details differ based on the cloud platform. The choice between the two depends on the cloud provider you use for your Odoo deployment.

It's important to note that the underlying principles of scalability, high availability, and cost optimisation are achieved by both EC2 Instances Autoscaling and MIGs Autoscaling. 

The decision between the two will depend on factors such as familiarity with the cloud provider's ecosystem, specific requirements of your Odoo deployment, and any existing infrastructure or dependencies within your chosen cloud platform.


In conclusion, choosing the right deployment environment for Odoo is crucial for a successful implementation. As discussed, deploying Odoo on Windows Server or using containers can lead to various challenges and limitations, impacting performance and security. However, utilising EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling offers significant advantages.

By adopting EC2 Instances Autoscaling or MIGs Autoscaling, businesses can achieve a robust and flexible deployment environment for Odoo, enhancing performance, availability, and scalability while reducing operational overhead. 

Making the right choice in the deployment environment empowers businesses to leverage the full potential of Odoo as a powerful open-source ERP system. And that is where a certified Odoo partner like Port Cities comes in.

With a track record of over 500 successful Odoo implementations across more than 25 countries, we take pride in our expertise in handling diverse and complex Odoo deployment projects. 

Our seasoned Odoo experts have deep knowledge and experience executing various Odoo deployments, ensuring smooth integration and optimal performance for businesses worldwide. When you have questions about Odoo deployment, we are the right team to talk to.

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